of your

Optimize your training with Tracked, a powerful tool to track sets, weight, repetitions, and more.

Create and schedule workouts

Create exercises and workouts from within the app. Schedule them for the future or track them today.

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Keep yourself accountable

When you repeat a workout, Tracked shows your previous performance. Keep yourself accountable and track your progress.

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Track relative personal records

Record your bodyweight in the app and Tracked will record your relative personal records for each exercise. Whether you're bulking or cutting, you'll always know your best.

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Times your rest periods

Automatically start timers when you save a set. Track your rest times and see how they change over time.

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Share workouts with friends

Tracking a workout with a friend is as simple as sharing a link. They can track the workout with you in real time.

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Context based lifting

We strive to create a community of fitness professionals and enthusiasts who can learn from each other.

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The training platform for coaches and athletes

Manage a team of coaches and athletes

Tracked gives you the power to create and assign dynamic workouts and training programs to your athletes. Control training variables, analyze performance and make informed decisions to help them reach their goals.

Prescribe programs and workouts remotely

Send workouts and training programs directly to an athlete's device. Prescribe daily tasks from your phone or laptop. Track their progress and make adjustments to their training as needed.

Grow with Tracked

Move exercise data from spreadsheets to a centralized platform. Build an exercise library, create workout templates, design training programs and track your athletes progress all in one place.

"Tracked is the best training platform I have ever used. I love how it remembers previous numbers each workout. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to take resistance training seriously."
- Head Strength and Conditioning Coach